Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Prerequisite for a Professional to Carry On or to Practise a Profession

Certain professions require a person to be a member of the professional body which represents the profession to enable the person to practise and maintain his profession. Examples of these professions are accountants, lawyers and engineers.

A professional, due to the nature of his work, may be exposed to the likelihood of lawsuits for professional negligence for what he had done or what he had said in the course of carrying out his work.

Tax Treatment on Professional Indemnity Insurance Premium 

A practising professional is allowed a tax deduction for PII premium if the professional carries on a business related to his profession.

Tax Treatment on Insurance Proceeds and Compensation 

Where a professional has been allowed a deduction for the PII premium paid, any proceeds received in connection with the PII will be subject to tax. The proceeds are taxed under subsection 22(2) of the ITA.